Project Tango

What is Project Tango?

As we walk through our daily lives, we use visual cues to navigate and understand the world around us. We observe the size and shape of objects and rooms, and we learn their position and layout almost effortlessly over time. This awareness of space and motion is fundamental to the way we interact with our environment and each other. We are physical beings that live in a 3D world. Yet, our mobile devices assume that physical world ends at the boundaries of the screen.
The goal of Project Tango is to give mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and motion.
Our team has been working with universities, research labs, and industrial partners spanning nine countries around the world to build on the last decade of research in robotics and computer vision, concentrating that technology into a unique mobile device. We are putting early prototypes into the hands of developers that can imagine the possibilities and help bring those ideas into reality.
We hope you will take this journey with us. We believe it will be one worth traveling.
- Johnny Lee and the ATAP-Project Tango Team
Project Tango

3D motion and depth sensing

Project Tango devices contain customized hardware and software designed to track the full 3D motion of the device, while simultaneously creating a map of the environment. These sensors allow the device to make over a quarter million 3D measurements every second, updating its position and orientation in real-time, combining that data into a single 3D model of the space around you.
They run Android and include development APIs to provide position, orientation, and depth data to standard Android applications written in Java, C/C++, as well as the Unity Game Engine. These early prototypes, algorithms, and APIs are still in active development. So, these experimental devices are intended only for the adventurous and are not a final shipping product.

What could I do with it?

What if you could capture the dimensions of your home simply by walking around with your phone before you went furniture shopping? What if directions to a new location didn’t stop at the street address? What if you never again found yourself lost in a new building? What if the visually-impaired could navigate unassisted in unfamiliar indoor places? What if you could search for a product and see where the exact shelf is located in a super-store?
Imagine playing hide-and-seek in your house with your favorite game character, or transforming the hallways into a tree-lined path. Imagine competing against a friend for control over territories in your home with your own miniature army, or hiding secret virtual treasures in physical places around the world?


                                                                                                                    Project Tango Tablet Development Kit
                                                            Our 7'' development kit is powered by the new NIVIDA 
                                                                                  Tegra K1 processor packed withe 4GB of RAM and                                                                                             128GB of storage,motion tracking camera ,intefrated depth                                                                                    sensing,Wifi,BTLE,and 4G LTE 
                                                                                   These development kits are designed for professional                                                                                            developers interested in exploring the future of mbile 3D                                                                                      sensing. Developers will receive updates as the software
                                                                                   algorithms and APIs evolve.These development kits are not                                                                              not a consumer device and will be available in limite.

                                                                                                                           For more info for the Tablet go to the                                                                         Google  page >  Project Tango Table

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